Látásjavító műtét: A jövő világa a tisztább látásban rejlik.

When we can see neither near nor far without glasses anymore and we cannot get used to the reading or multifocal glasses, or laser eye surgery is not an option for us because we have such high diopters (worse that -12 or +6) or we are beyond 45 years, lens replacement surgery might be the best option for us. This half an hour long procedure could completely get rid of your vision problems so you could enjoy a spectacle free life for most of your life. Moreover, you could very quickly return to your everyday activities, for the most part, within a couple of days. As the procedure is similar to cataract surgery, it is nowadays a routine procedure, it is quick, pain free, injection free, it is carried out in local drop anesthesia. Moreover, you can have both eyes operated on in one step! The procedure is safe, the eye surgeons work in state-of-the-art facilities with the latest technologies and they have decades of experience.

Látásjavító műtét: Tiszta látás, új perspektívák a mindennapokban.

Advantages of the lens replacement surgery

Before the surgery

You will need to attend a detailed consultation with your surgeon, before the surgery where he /she will establish your suitability for the surgery, and the type and the diopter of the artificial lens to be implanted. You will also discuss the procedure, what to expect and how to prepare for the surgery. This altogether takes 60-90 minutes. For precise diagnosis, the visual acuity, fundus, instrumental examination and pupil dilation is needed. We do not recommend driving a car afterwards, on that day. For precise measurements, we recommend you do not wear contact lenses for 1-4 weeks beforehand (1 week for soft, 4 weeks for hard contact lenses). Please bring your previous medical reports, a list of your regular medications and your glasses with you.

You will need an ECG and a lab test before, we can help to obtain them when needed.

Szemlencse műtét: Áttörés a látás javításában, hosszú távú eredményekkel.
Szemhéjplasztika ára: Megfizethető megjelenésfrissítés szakértő orvosi gárdával.

The day of the cataract surgery

In the morning before the surgery, take your medications, have breakfast and drink fluids. Avoid the use of makeup and cosmetics around the eyes and do not wear contact lenses. Bring sunglasses and have somebody to accompany you. You will have the opportunity to talk to your doctor, and ask your questions one more time before the operation. We will ask you to read and sign the consent form. There is a 1-2 hour long waiting period during which, as a preparation for the surgery you will receive pupil dilating and anesthetic eye drops. The eye surgeons have decades of experience in performing the procedure and work with the latest technologies in state-of-the-art environments, therefore it is nowadays regarded as a routine procedure, which in most cases lasts no longer than 30 minutes. There is no need for general anesthesia, or the injection of lidocaine, the drops make sure that it is a completely pain free procedure. During the operation, they make a very little, 2.2 mm long incision, through which the surgeon cuts the lens into smaller pieces with ultrasound technique and removes them (phacoemulsification technique), and implants the artificial lens (IOL) that provides you a clear vision for the rest of your life. Also, there is no need for stitches, this type of wound closes by itself.

After the surgery

The recovery period after the surgery takes about 6 weeks. We advise you to avoid strenuous physical activity during this time. The final visual acuity usually settles within 1-2 weeks. Do not wash your hair for a week.

Szemhéjplasztika: Friss és fiatalos megjelenésű páciens mosolyog.

Types of premium intraocular lenses (IOL)

As in the case of artificial lenses used in cataract surgery, you can choose from several types of artificial lenses during the vision correction lens replacement.
When choosing the right artificial lens, our ophthalmologist takes into account your lifestyle, work, leisure activities, and age.
Monofocal artificial intraocular lenses provide sharp vision for far or near, as needed, while trifocal artificial intraocular lenses enable perfect vision for far, near and medium distance, so that after the intervention, glasses may not be needed at all.
Ask for an appointment to find out more and have a consultation!

About EDOF IOL premium lenses

EDOF (Extended Depth of Focus), artificial intraocular lenses with extended focus, are made with the most modern optical technology. Compared to single-focus artificial lenses, they provide equally sharp vision in a wide distance range, so-called between far (over 100 cm) and intermediate range (about 80 cm or monitor distance) at all distances. This allows you to go completely glasses-free for most everyday activities, be it sports, driving a car, working on a computer, watching TV, having fun or doing housework. What’s more, based on experience, patients can easily read short texts and mobile phone displays that are within reading distance. It is only necessary to wear reading glasses for reading and detailed work. The advantage of the EDOF type artificial lens is that patients rarely see distortions and reflections around light sources that disturb vision at night. Because of these properties, we recommend this type of artificial lens for vision-improving lens replacement surgery, as well as for anyone who wants to live an active, youthful life without glasses even after surgery.

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