As the years go by, the Signs of Natural Skin Aging Become More Noticeable: The Skin Loses Its Elasticity and Tightness, Crow’s Feet and Deeper Wrinkles Appear. The underlying cause is the decrease of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the deeper layers of the skin. They are major components of our body and can bind many times more than their own weight. Their decrease can be Slowed But Never Stopped. In now Cases and Initialy, the Sagling of the Eyelid Skin is only an aesthetic problem, but as the process advances, it can also interfere with vision.
Aesthetic Medicine Offers Countods Non-Surgical Methods to Renew the Skin, and They Can Indeed Somewhat Improves Its Texture and Minimize Fine Fine Wrinkles But to Date, the only Long Term and Effective Solution to a SAGING EYELID IS BLEPHARHOPLASTY. There are medical indications for an Eyelid surgery as well, for expedient when the excess skin interfefes with vision, there is a tumor on the Eyelid, or the Lower Eyelid Everts (Ectropium) for Example As a Result of Chronic Inflammation. In these cases, an experimentary eye surgeon can restore both the anatomy and function.
At Pallas Eye Care, all the ophthalmologists have expertise in the anatomy and function of not only the eyes but also its appendices which is essential for impeccable and long term results. With our consultants you are in the best hands, they have decades of experience and perform thousands of procedures yearly.
They continuously attend training and conferences in order to acquire the latest techniques such as the CO2 laser eyelid surgery, for example.

The advantages of CO2 laser Eyelid Surgery
Both the cutting and haemostasis are carried out with a laser. The energy of laser, when it gets into contact with the living tissue it is converted into heat which enables precise incision, tissue removal and immediate haemostasis by coagulating the vessels. It is also very safe, the high water content of the body and the layer of lidocaine that is injected into the eyelid prevents the access of the laser beam into deeper layers.
- Precise cutting
- Less bleeding during surgery
- Less pain
- Smaller hematoma
- Less swelling and faster recovery
- Shorter surgery time
- Superficial rejuvenating laser treatment of the remaining skin to stimulate collagen production (optional).
- Skin quality improvement, decrease of small wrinkles superficial
The surgery

Important precautions after CO2 laser eye surgery
Immediately after the surgery you will have to wait and rest a couple (1-2) of hours before you can leave the clinic. This is just to make sure you feel completely well and fit after the surgery. On the day of the surgery we advise you to have bedrest, and avoid physical activity for a couple of days (best for 2 weeks). It is also recommended to sleep with the head elevated, on high pillows to lessen the swelling and edema of the eyelids. You can take painkillers to ease the symptoms and cold compress (but not ice) can also help to decrease the swelling and hematoma. Makeup is to be avoided for weeks, solarium, sunbathing and sauna for months. Wear sunglasses when outside. The stitches will be removed 7-10 days after the surgery and further appointments are offered when needed. A couple of weeks after the surgery light exercises can be started in agreement with your doctor. Do you have any questions about the procedure? Book a consultation appointment…