Látásjavító műtét: A jövő világa a tisztább látásban rejlik.

Conventional Eyelid Surgery

Látásjavító műtét: Tiszta látás, a világ élményeinek új dimenziói.

Let it be a conventional or laser eyelid surgery, the aim is always the same; to make the eyelid skin more tight. As the years go by, the signs of natural skin aging become more noticeable: the skin loses its elasticity and tightness, crow’s feet and deeper wrinkles appear around the eyes and on the face. The sagging of the eyelid causes us to look many times older and tired. In most cases at the beginning, the sagging of the eyelid skin is only an aesthetic problem, but as the process advances, it can also interfere with vision. At this stage it is not only aesthetic but also a medical indication to have an eyelid surgery done. The aim of the operation is to restore the original anatomical and functional situation to look as we did when we were younger. It is carried out in local anesthesia, it is painless and quick, you can regain your youthful appearance in an hour!

New!! The many advantages of CO2 laser eyelid surgery!

Pallas Eye Care offers the novel CO2 laser eye surgery (Laser blepharoplasty), one of the latest developments in the era of plastic surgery. Some of its advantages compared to the conventional method:

Check out our video of our laser eyelid surgery and consult our specialists on the options!
More about the procedure here…

Alsó szemhéjplasztika: Friss és fiatalos megjelenés, a természetes szépség hangsúlyozása.

Before the surgery

If you are thinking of having an eye surgery, the first step is always to have an examination and a detailed consultation with the ophthalmic surgeon. The doctor will ask you to fill in a questionnaire, takes your detailed medical history, and you can also talk about your expectations and ask your questions.
This medical appointment is of special importance, as you get to know all the details you need to make an informed decision and prepare for the surgery.

The day of the surgery

The operation is carried out in local anesthesia and apart from the very first tiny pinprick, it is absolutely painless and does not last longer than an hour. The doctor resects the removes skin in the shape of a leaf and, when it is needed, also removes the excess fat and repositions muscles, always taking into consideration individualities and the structure and harmony of the face. The wounds are closed with non-absorbable stitches and covered with thin steri strips that do not interfere with your vision. Afterwards, you need to have an hour rest, and if everything is alright, you can leave and rest at home or at your chosen accommodation.

Healing after blepharoplasty

Within the following 24 hours, a mild swelling and sometimes hematomas develop around the eyes, this is normal, and will gradually resolve during the next 10 days.
According to experience, this is of a lesser extent after the CO2 laser eyelid surgery. It is recommended to sleep with the head elevated, which helps with the swelling. You are highly advised to abstain from heavy physical activity at least until the stitches are removed (7-10 days) and avoid contact with water at the eye area. Afterwards you can gradually return to your normal physical activities following the doctors’ orders. Painkillers can also be taken to ease the initial discomfort. It is advised not use makeup for weeks, to avoid solarium and swimming pool for at least a month. We recommend to wear sunglasses during the recovery period, or even longer to avoid direct sun exposure which can cause discoloration of the blepharoplasty scar.
