Fundus examination

The examination of the fundus involves the observation of the back part of the eye, behind the crystalline lens, using a slit lamp biomicroscope or an ophthalmoscope. This is always part of the ophthalmic examination, but is especially important when the complaints include eye pain, decreased visual acuity, headache, symptoms caused by a tumor or cerebral circulation disorder. The ophthalmologist examines the condition of the retina (in the back of the eye), the blood vessels running through it and the optic nerve, where the nerve fibers of the retina merge and exit the eye. In this way, the diagnosis of glaucoma, high blood pressure disease, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, Age related macular degeneration (AMD) affecting the area of sharp vision (macula), or retinal detachments and genetic eye diseases can be established. If the peripheral areas of the retina need to be examined as well pupil dilation is also performed with drops, in which case you should not drive a car for a few hours after the examination.